Château de La Noblesse



Noblesse is somewhat of a tricky find but do persevere!

Thinking we had made a wrong turn the first time we went down the track to this vineyard, we turned back on due to the abundance of farm machinery littering the sides of the path. Next time round, however, led by florescent flèche pointing the way and with an additional keen Bandol taster in our car, we were pleasantly surprised on arriving at the cave à vin.

Even more refreshing was that despite it being l'heure du déjeuner, on clanging the outside bell, out hopped our hostess, a napkin in hand, dabbing her smile and as she skipped down the steps to welcome us.


Her enthusiasm continued as in a mixture of French and English, this granddaughter of a generation of winemakers conveyed her passion for the wines of which her family was proud. Her zest was contagious, and we eagerly toured the very rustic grounds of the domain, noting the natural surroundings in which the extended family worked and lived. Plenty of foliage and shrubbery lined the undulating paths from the parking area down to the cave, which added rough and tumble to the rocky terrain. 


The wine cave itself, hollowed out of the hillside and underneath a rather rundown building that had a look of a small Lancashire cotton mill was another unexpected reward. On the central lip of each of the dozen or so oak casks that lined hall-like cellar, was a simple white candle burned to differing levels and each in a brass Wee-Willy-Winkey candlestick. The granddaughter explained to us that this was a canary-in-a-cage warning of any build in carbon dioxide when the vats were open for cleaning, something that made us reflect on the technicalities underpinning the winery even though this domaine had such a relaxed and casual feel to it.

The 2016 Médaille d'Argent winning rosé that we tried was grapefruit in hue (certainly in the wine cellar) and fairly dry. With citrus undertones and a peppery finish, the wine was not your run-of-the mill and would go very well with shellfish if not something a little heavier. Great value for money. 


Tried and tasted and purchased the Château de La Noblesse rosé 2016 at €13/bottle.

Destination, drop-in or drive-by? Destination - and if you get the opportunity of a tour then take it.



